
Posted By:
08/31/2021 at 01:00 pm
210 Elan Village Lane #202
San Jose California, 95134
United States

Whenever users are trying to make precise and fine enough line alignment, on consideration of its high speed and high work efficiency, it is always a very nice job for users to make use of a 50mW 515nm green laser line generator. It is emitting highly intense and powerful forest green laser beam directly from 515nm green laser diode. After its special use of qualified glass coated lens with wide range fan angles and good use of cooling system, this direct diode emission made 515nm green laser module assures high stability and highly clear forest green line alignment at great distance effectively.
Available with an external AC/DC adapter, different from any simple alkaline battery power source made 515nm green laser pointer, this 515nm 50mW green laser line generator is just able to work with continuous forest green laser beam and forest green reference line projection from beam aperture. In order to assures highly visible and bright green line projection from beam aperture, it is equipping with correct operating voltage of 9V 1000mA DC power supply. After accepting of wide range electric current of 100V to 240V, this 515nm green laser module is applying for various working environments, but also assuring continuous forest green laser beam and green line projection from beam aperture.
On basis of the most advanced use of glass coated lens within 10 degree to 110 degree, 515nm 50mW green laser line generator is projecting various line lengths of 0.5 meter to 6 meters. In addition, whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, only after basic measurement and experiment of line length, line fineness and work distance, this 515nm 50mW green laser module allows correct use of glass coated lens degree. It just makes sure of highly precise and fine green line alignment at great distance of 25 meter and high lighting working occasion as well.
In a large variety of industrial and high tech line measuring work fields, 50mW 515nm green laser line generator is always operating easy and convenient as an accessory part. The special sue of extending electric wires enables the maximum installed distance of 3 meters, and easy line projection onto any vertical or horizontal surface. Any time green alignment laser makes easy screw of adjustable focus optic lens, after immediate green laser light concentration, it makes sure of highly fine and clear line generation at great distance and high lighting occasion. At the same time, after high attention to any thermal energy hurt to human eyes and wearing correct 515nm wavelength preventing laser safety glasses, without the use of sunlight, it makes sure of highly secured and fine line alignment in all occasions perfectly.


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